A Fight For Safety
Each with different life stories and experiences; an injecting facility volunteer, harm reduction worker and drug reform advocate each weigh in on the contentious drive to offer community services that support the safe consumption of illicit substances. There is undoubtedly persisting ramifications of drug use and abuse in society, yet much of what is discussed is the monotonous, prejudiced and repetitive tale of ‘drugs equal harm’. This begs the question, as to how society can better protect and engage with those who find themselves in a position where they may be adversely affected by illicit drugs.
“A Fight for Safety” is an educational and exploratory film about the conversation on controversial services designed to support the safe use and consumption of illicit substances. Many people forming opinions on supervised injecting and pill testing facilities/services do so by exclusively engaging with mainstream media coverage, often tending to foster problematic narratives and perpetuating stigmatised attitudes. In a similar fashion, many people have so little knowledge of the presence of these services that their opinions are simply ill-informed. With these in mind, the film will outwardly contest the broad societal stigma surrounding, and educate audiences on; important drug reform strategies through interviews with key members of this public support network.
The film will hear from Judy Ryan, a community campaigner and supporter of drug law reform who attempts to re-educate people on considering drugs from a health perspective rather than as a criminal issue. Furthermore, the documentary will also follow Bridget Hayes, a representative from Harm Reduction Victoria’s organisation DanceWize. They will explain the purpose of, and tangible support services provided by, the work they do. Finally, first-hand encounters and confronting personal stories will be detailed by Dr Tony Weeks, a volunteer at the Richmond injecting facility.